Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mystery Train

When we were small every Summer that I can remember, CIE, the Irish Train Company ran special excursions on a Thursday and Sunday. Basically it was very cheap for families to go on a day trip on a train and not know where they were going. During the week Mum made arrangements for a trip and most weeks it was off to the Train station. Often we met our Cousins, Aunts and Uncles and Friends. The Train was full of Maguires, Applebys, Gormans, Mulhalls, O'Tooles. We used to get up real early with all our bits and pieces and when we got to town it was into the bread shop for fresh rolls. Mum had butter and meat and cheese etc. to make 'sambos' . As far as I can recollect all the journeys were from Connolly Station in Dublin. Although it was supposed to be a mystery where the train was going everybody seemed to know exactly where we were going. Years later I found out from one of my employees that she used to work on the train with her Mother selling sweets and apples. Her Mother knew the Driver and he told her the destination. She was supposed to be sworn to secrecy but somehow managed to always let the secret out. Mum used to hope for somewhere by the sea, perhaps Wexford and then on to Rosslare Beach!
Anyhow we always had a great time no matter where we were going. We always had money to buy a comic to read on the journey home or perhaps a drawing book and pencil. I still remember the train was literally packed to the rafters and kids running up and down the whole trip.
I can't remember when exactly we stopped going or when or why CIE stopped doing the Mystery Train. But I must have got my interest in Train travel thanks to CIE and whoever thought up of the concept!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.